Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Favor Ain't Fair...But It's On Me!

Ever took time to reflect back on your life and see the amazing progress and blessings you have been enabled to have? Not to sound like I have reached my 'Golden Years,' for I am only 28, but my life is NOTHING but a shower of blessings. The good and the bad, everything mixed in is amazing!

I have complete and absolute favor on my life. I can reflect on years, months, even weeks and become overjoyed over my life. Sometimes you have to stop and reflect, because it is SOOOOOOOO easy to get caught up in what you don't have and haven't accomplished. The blessing is that there is a season for everything, and just because you don't have or haven't done a specific thing only means that the particular season for that hasn't arrived. Patience is truly a virtue!

I was always one who rushed through EVERYTHING! Things had to be done right then and there in its entirety. But now I am grateful to have the opportunity to truly understand the concept of 'stop and smell the roses.'

There is so much favor on us! Just take a few minutes today or this week to really reflect over your life. I can guarantee that if you take a good look, you will realize you are more blessed than you even knew! That alone is a reason to smile!!

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